Classification of caviar by type of preparation
Deven PatelUpdated

There are not many varieties of caviar, but the most valuable for its taste and nutritional qualities is red and especially black.
In fact, almost any fish can be harvested and eaten, as each egg carries a mass of useful substances and minerals.
It is common to divide all caviar according to the belonging to a certain breed of fish, color coloration, cooking method, and packaging.
Fish hatchery offers various types of caviar for sale:
Osetra - Russian, Siberian;
The following types of caviar are distinguished according to the method of preparation.
It is grainy. It is produced from eggs of good maturity that are uniform in all parameters. Traditionally classified into three classes - Extra, First and Second. The names «Imperial» and «Premium» are also found on the jar labels, established by the manufacturers. Varieties of black caviar differ in grain size, uniformity of color, consistency, taste, and aromatic characteristics.
Pasteurized. Prepared from Class I or Class A sturgeon seafood.
It has a peak. The caviar of one or more fish species is selected for its production and cannot be made of grain. The product is smoothly planted and pressed to produce a uniform mass. The puffer caviar has a pleasant taste with the presence of a light mound.
The allowable salt content for delicacy is 3.0-3-5%. Preservatives - E285, LIV-1/LIV-2, Varex are possible. These additives do not affect the flavour and flavour of the product and are used to extend the shelf life.
In fact, almost any fish can be harvested and eaten, as each egg carries a mass of useful substances and minerals.
It is common to divide all caviar according to the belonging to a certain breed of fish, color coloration, cooking method, and packaging.
Fish hatchery offers various types of caviar for sale:
Osetra - Russian, Siberian;
The following types of caviar are distinguished according to the method of preparation.
It is grainy. It is produced from eggs of good maturity that are uniform in all parameters. Traditionally classified into three classes - Extra, First and Second. The names «Imperial» and «Premium» are also found on the jar labels, established by the manufacturers. Varieties of black caviar differ in grain size, uniformity of color, consistency, taste, and aromatic characteristics.
Pasteurized. Prepared from Class I or Class A sturgeon seafood.
It has a peak. The caviar of one or more fish species is selected for its production and cannot be made of grain. The product is smoothly planted and pressed to produce a uniform mass. The puffer caviar has a pleasant taste with the presence of a light mound.
The allowable salt content for delicacy is 3.0-3-5%. Preservatives - E285, LIV-1/LIV-2, Varex are possible. These additives do not affect the flavour and flavour of the product and are used to extend the shelf life.